sábado, 6 de julho de 2024

Imagining Santa

Looking through the window

On a dark cold night

Far, far away from me

Stars were shining brightly

In the sky all might.

And there I was waiting

Quietly for a sound,

A sign, a flash, a noise,

The sleigh bells, a voice

Shouting loud: ho, ho, ho

His presence announcing,

Up there, on his way down…


I had so much to ask

I looked up at his face,

His eyes, waiting to hear,

Santa telling on my ear

Stories of outer space!

Secrets of universe,

That he knows very well,

The future of mankind,

A sharp nail in my mind,

Seeing the face without mask,

Feeling the tenderness

That opened up my shell."

It's Christmas time again

 It’s christmas time again!

It’s cold and windy outside

Houses are all decorated

Lights are flashing brightly…

Peace on earth for every man

Here and on the other side

Of the earth and all the men

Who live in other galaxies.

These are special holidays

For us and all mankind and

Hearts are full of joy and peace.

Everyone is speaking differently,

Christmas carols are on the air,

Children look through shops windows

Dreaming of the toys they’re seeing,

They’ve already started their letters

To Santa Claus asking him

The toys they’ve seen everywhere;

Christmas tree is all dressed up,

People are buying all they need,

They’re all stressed but happy,

They’re making plans for Christmas

And they’re all very excited;

Little kids are always asking

Is it already Christmas?

They help with the nativity scene

They’re all ready to hear the story

Of the boy who was born in a barn,

They all ask questions about him

They all are fascinated about him:

His gentle mother and father,

The animals that warmed up Jesus,

The angels choir announcing

That God’s Child was among men,

The shepherds who listened

To the message and the big star

Who leaded the three kings

To the place where He was,

And God who is the biggest

Mystery for all mankind.

They all listen carefully

Trying to remember each word

I say to ask the questions

They need to understand

All the mystery that can’t be

Understood only accepted,

’Cause nothing is impossible

When it comes to God,

And everyone and everything

Are God’s will and love.

Thank, God, from the bottom

Of my heart, for giving us

Your great and beloved son

The greatest man on earth.

His messages are so simple

His messages are so important

All we have to do is

Doing what he said long ago

To create a better world.

Looking through the window

On a dark cold night                                                    

Far, far away from home

Stars were shining quietly

And I was watching their light.

Quietly waiting for a sound

A noise or footsteps,

A flash followed by a sleigh,

The sound of bells ringing

His presence announcing …



Oh! I had so much to tell!

I had so much to ask him

I could even see his face

His eyes, his smile, his beard

His voice asking me nicely

What I had asked for Christmas

And I’d say that I wanted

To go with him forever

I’d work hard to help him

I’d do anything I could.


I’d say that I wanted to live

Among good people

In a place all laughs and joy

Where I could be happy

Where I wasn’t afraid

Of jumping out of bed

A place where I could find

Tenderness and real love

A home where love was strong

And I could feel really safe.


I have waited for so long

Searching the sky for a sign

A sound that could reveal

The man of that kind

In my heart I could feel

My dream would come true.

The disappointment was so big

I was so tired of waiting,

And disappointed with him

I cried and fell asleep.

Fátima Nascimento 

quarta-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2021

The virus

 A pupil to other. If I took the Vax and gonna die young, the teacher, at least, has to make a test.

How will she manage that?

Sorry, she didn"t investigate the covid-19 illness and looked for other scientists opinions… Dr Robert Malone, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. David Martin, Dr Ryan Cole... and so many others...

I"m not responsable for her health, why does she hate me for not being vaccinated? 

terça-feira, 23 de novembro de 2021

Diary of a atonished teacher


Something like that, didn't happen to me a long time ago. While talking to a colleague, I took a look at my watch. It was twenty to midday. My class's started at 11:50. I still had time I thought. I picked up my schoolbag, and took off. Arriving to the classroom, I saw three pupils sat outside. They were surprised to see me.

It's 12:15, said one of the girls, the others are not here. 


I looked back at my watch. It had stopped. I shouted at them.

Yes, it is not moving.

So, I went back with my racked watch, very sad. Left school to take care of other things I had to do.

Surprisingly, after a few minutes, I looked at my watch and... it was working again!!!

It's twenty to seven pm... and still is. 

sexta-feira, 16 de agosto de 2019

Os dois povos

Os dois povos

Era uma vez um povo que, na realidade, era dois. Havia um povo de energia muito alta e outro de energia muito baixa.  Cansado da baixa energia com que sempre era atacado, o povo da energia alta fundou outro país. E o mundo dividiu-se em dois, por sua vontade.
- Não lhes dou nem um mês para se arrependerem - resmungara o povo da energia baixa com um tom de desprezo na voz, com que sempre se dirigira ao povo da energia alta. E cada pessoa se riu desejando o pior aos irmãos da energia alta.
 O povo da energia alta fundou o país da aurora e desabrochava numa felicidade tão intensa como uma estrela. O povo da energia baixa fundou o país da sombra e vivia numa frequência vibratória ainda mais baixa. E enquanto o país da aurora se multiplicava em riquezas numa harmonia total com a natureza, o país da sombra parecia não encontrar o caminho para alcançar o desenvolvimento e a riqueza a que o vizinho chegara. As guerras interinas entre eles eram tão constantes quanto a paz e a felicidade do outro. O povo da energia alta tinha ficado com a parte do mundo mais pobre, com o desafio de terminar com a fome, e eles com a mais rica. O país do povo da energia alta prosperou enquanto eles conheciam a mesma vida de expansão e recessão económica e a natureza sofrera com os estragos do desrespeito que o povo da energia baixa sempre manifestara para com ela. Passaram a cobiçar o país do povo da energia alta. Organizaram exércitos para os invadir, aperfeiçoaram armas, mas nada de mal entrava nas suas fronteiras. Nem nada nem ninguém. Era como se uma parede invisível os protegesse. Como o seu ódio ao povo da energia alta era tão profundo quanto antigo, e não conseguissem prejudicá-los por mais que se esforçassem, voltaram-se para si mesmos atacando-se com uma violência ainda maior e mais descarada que antes. E acabaram por quase se extinguir deixando atrás de si um rasto de destruição. O povo da energia alta, que se mantivera alheio ao que lá sucedia, vibrava gloriosamente numa frequência tão alta, que nenhuma destruição entrava nas suas fronteiras. E assim continuaram a viver cada um por seu lado.

Fátima Nascimento

domingo, 28 de abril de 2019


E roço o céu
na linha do mar
no desejo alado
de poder navegar.

E solto a brisa
cativa em mim
e largo as velas
cheias assim